You understand and accept the following:
• The Rockingham Rams Baseball Club or any Committee member, official, coach, manager or umpire cannot be held responsible for any injury by the above player; or the loss of any property during the game, training or related event
• Photographs taken at games and training may be used for promotion of the Rockingham Rams Baseball Club on the Club website and on the Club Facebook page
• Non-financial players WILL NOT take the diamond after 1/12/23
• Players injured or unable to participate in a game must notify a team official as early as practical
• Players must attend weekly training sessions unless exceptional circumstances aris
• Players must play within the established rules and regulations of the gam
• Any queries directed at the umpire must be done through either the team coach or team manager
• At no time will any player question, argue, abuse or show dissent by abusing equipment of an umpiring decision
• A player will be suspended for extreme abuse or misbehaviour while representing the club at practice or games, this will be decided by the committee.
• At no time will any player engage in any type of altercation with a player, spectator or official from the opposing club
• Players will uphold appropriate dress standards when representing the Club
• Players will display positive and exemplary sportsmanship while representing the Club
• Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is absolutely forbidden
• Abuse of prescribed drugs is absolutely forbidden
• Smoking/Vaping is strictly forbidden on and within the grassed areas at each playing field, on game days and while practicing. Disciplinary actions may be taken for those not complying with this from umpires, the club committee or your head coach.
• The use of profane language will not be tolerated
• Players will be required to either plate umpire or base umpire
• Players will assist in setting up and packing up from games as directed by Club officials
• I have read and acknowledged the “Registration Information” as attached to this form and I acknowledge that my failure to comply with the club rules outlined above may result in my permission to play be withdrawn with any decision to penalise being in accordance with both the Club bylaws and the discretion of the Club committee. Thank you Rockingham Rams Baseball Club Committee